Health Benefits

Want to lower your sugar intake and eat more nutritious foods? Miracle Frooties can help you live a healthier lifestyle! Just take a Miracle Frootie before eating sour or tart foods for a sweeter experience. Miracle Frooties are natural and contain no artificial sweeteners or additives.

Enjoy nutritious, natural foods:

Stock up on fruit, because most fruits taste even better after eating a miracle berry. Never cared for mangoes or grapefruit? Try them with the miracle berry! Add sweetness and flavor to healthy vegetables by adding a little lemon juice to your broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Enjoy the health benefits of tart foods like natural cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar. Let us know what works for you!

Weight loss:

Miracle Frooties have only 1 calorie each, 0% fat, and are a great natural weight-loss aid. Trick your sweet tooth by eating a miracle berry before sugar-free deserts. Eat a strawberry, lemon, or lime instead of a piece of candy. Make sweet homemade desserts such as strawberry shortcake, lemon meringue, rhubarb pie, and key lime pie without using sugar or artificial sweeteners. Skip the oil and season your salad with plain balsamic vinegar for a surprisingly tasty dressing. Sweeten your tea with lemon or orange juice instead of sugar. Send us your own tips and tricks!


Tired of bland sugar-free desserts? Make your own delicious sugar-free pies, sweeten your sugar-free yogurt, and enjoy all-natural lemonade or limeade without adding sugar. Skip the artificial sweeteners! Just take a Miracle Frootie tablet beforehand, and make sure the food includes something acidic (sour or tart flavors). Ask your doctor for more information.

Chemotherapy and radiation patients:

Patients of chemotherapy sometimes complain of a metallic taste when eating. This nasty side effect can cause weight loss during a crucial time. When taken before each meal, the miracle fruit may help mask the metallic taste and improve a patient’s eating experience.

This miracle doesn't work for everyone undergoing chemo. According to a preliminary study, miracle fruit improved the metallic taste from chemotherapy in about 70% of participants. (CNN video, 3/25/2009)

Buy 600 mg miracle frooties made from organic miracle fruit

Buy 300 mg miracle frooties made from organic miracle fruit

CNN - With Dr. Mike Cusnir - Miracle Fruit and Chemotherapy

Chicago - Miracle Fruit Flavor Tripping Party

New York Times -
Riding a Flavor Trip

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